Profile of company

To be the leader for offering life and health insurance solutions backed by digital prowess, convenience, ease, affordability and high value – ensuring access to quality financial care for each and every Pakistani without discrimination.
TPL life is committed to provide quality financial care to every Pakistani via its touch points and insurance solutions that are; innovative, simple, convenient, accessible, and yet empowering – towards securing the present and building a financially sound & reliable future of every Pakistani without discrimination.
To carry on in Pakistan and elsewhere all kinds of business in respect of life insurance, reinsurance, counter reinsurance or counter reinsurance, Family Takaful & Family Re-Takaful and all kinds of guarantee and indemnity business and, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, to carry out life endowment, medical personal accident, disability, capital redemption, pension funds, transit insurance and every other description of business kindred to the above, whether was known or hereafter to be devised and all the insurance which are permissible under the law for the time being in force and are decided by the Company to be carried on.
PIC (Public Interest Company)
Registration number: 0020288
Date of Incorporation: September 28, 1989
- Company Registration No. 190.
- Certificate of registration in accordance with provision of section 6 of the Insurance Ordinance 2000 issued on March 02, 2009
- Authorization under Rule 6 of the Takaful Rules 2012 issued on March 02, 2009
- IAP number: 1157952
- Date of license issuance: Mar 2, 2009
- Certificate of Insurance Registration date : Mar 19, 2008
Corplink (Private) Limited
Wings Arcade, 1 - K, Commercial Model Town,
Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Office: 042 35916714, 042 35916719
Finance Manager, TPL Life Insurance Limited
Ph #: 021-111-000-300
Email Address:
20th Floor, Sky Tower-East Wing, Dolmen City, HC-3, Block -4, Abdul Sattar Edhi Avenue, Clifton – Karachi
Fax: +92.21.35316032
Tel: +92.21.34390300-5